Saturday, January 30, 2010

Prop 8's ridiculous argument...

Prop 8 in California which institutes a ban on same-sex marriage is being tried once again. Yes, the voters have spoken...but the voters in Mississippi and Alabama voted at one time on the status of people with darker skin than they had...didn't make it right.

The argument that same-sex marriage weakens "traditional" marriage gets made all of the time - well, it really doesn't get made because there never is any evidence given than it does weaken hetero marriage, which seems pretty capable of weakening itself thank you very much. I have never had anyone present me with a case of how two gay men marrying makes my hetero marriage weaker. In fact, I think that by taking the "institution" of marriage more seriously we make it stronger. I'd like some propositions on real family values like good school systems, childcare, maternity leave and ways to include these things in the workplace. Focus on jobs that pay living wages, not the commitments of two human beings which are just as legitimate and well-intentioned as any hetero matching.

Well - here's a GREAT article on this issue from The Daily Beast. In it, retired philosophy professor Linda Hirshman makes mincemeat of the ridicuolus and scary argument being put forth in the courtroom defending Prop 8. It is another case, like HB 3408 here in Oklahoma, of manipulation of voters with a hidden agenda. If the argument that they are laying out in the courtroom had been front and center during the Prop 8 voting, would we have Prop 8?

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